
小綠: 功名本是無凭事
February 22, 2007, 6:15 pm
Filed under: 小綠步行日誌 The Walk


環境大臣 David Milliband 負責拍賣環節,一氣呵成:大馬鞋匠周仰傑 (Jimmy Choo) 捐贈鞋款一物兩賣;鳳凰閣主人蕭偉文捐贈路易十三以高價給華人酒客奪去;首相夫婦簽名的 Chequers 別墅照片亦以高價成交,三物合共籌得近萬英鎊。


4 Comments so far
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I have seen all these changes within 10 years under Tony Blaire’s government. Why there were so much suppport at the beginning and he has received so much reprimand today? Tony Blaire is very articulate person and well looking person, however, he seldom shows that he has deep knowledge in certain aspects, very shallow…
Many people has sound ideas but do not know how to implement. I have experienced the problems of the immigration policies, the food hygiene policies from Europe, the overnight alcohol policies…Yes, England’s economy is sound in the past 10 years because of Gordon Brown’s abilities

Comment by winnie luk

Tony Blaire and President Bush both are murderers, are they? How come Tony Blaire send troops to Iraq without the agreement with our people or even the debate in Parliament.
Time flies, people probably forget the moment of bombings….

Comment by winnie luk

He is Blair!

Comment by stephencanwalk

Yes he is!

The weather looked miserable this morn but lucky we did not get one drop when we were doing tai chi (I was invited by “Glade” to lead the exercise this morning at 8am, I started my journey at ^:55am) and I said that we’d have storm later; and we did, at twelve, and I was at home in front of tv!


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